October 2009

The whole systemic of money (as debt-instrument), no matter the “ism”, must be rejected in total; Christian-ity is COMMUNITARIAN vs. the false idol-god of “capital” [the market-system considered as most effective government in the global economy] – today’s so-called free-markets are predicated upon human bondage [for survival (fear)]; ONLY GOD’S OPEN COMMUNITIES ARE FREE !! – ** self-interest is sin **, and its supporting systemic is evil [that which produces, maintains, and expands sin] – WE ARE TO TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER, AND THE OTHER COMES FIRST !! — the “society of the gift” is based on the real needs of humanity [not the manufactured needs of capitalism and nationalism], in symbiosis with the environment, and on human growth [in its many variants]: CHRISTIAN-ITY IS THE ONLY VIABLE ECO-NOMIC SYSTEMIC – OUR CHOICE IS BAAL *OR* GOD, MAMMON *OR* MESSIAH: **  WE MUST CHOOSE ** !! – in Christ, we will lose nothing [of true value], and gain “all things” !!

** WICKED IRRESPONSIBILITY ** – WHO IS TO SUFFER, AND HOW MUCH ?? – economic decisions vs. the poor and disabled; maintain the rich at all costs, those who provide the systemic “capital” must be *provided* with the capital for the “benefit” of all: THE RICH ARE RICH FOR *OUR* BENEFIT IS THE CLAIM !! – “job” as social safety net, not assistance, yet there are a lack of jobs, and most that exist are “minimum” wage: THE SOCIAL SAFETY NET IS FULL OF HOLES, AND MANY ARE FALLING THROUGH !! – ** NO HUMAN LIFE HAS MINIMUM VALUE ** !! — MAMMON = the CORPORATE, and everything done in its cause, ie., business, nationalism, infrastructure to maintain, enforce, etc., is absolute evil, plain-and-simple: ** OUR WHOLE LIFE SYSTEMIC IS EVIL **, AND THAT MEANS *WE* ARE EVIL, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US, WE ARE COMPLICIT !! — ECONOMIC GENOCIDE, the *death* of humanity [suicide]: CORPORATE ECONOMY IS THE DEATH OF *ALL* [incl., planetary life-support (biodiversity)] !!

Hopes and dreams based on money availability means that most will NOT realize their hopes and dreams: MONETARY PROSPERITY [hopes and dreams realized] FOR THE FEW MAINTAINED AT THE EXPENSE OF THE MANY [in despair and nightmare] !! — personal responsibility and self-reliance based on the corporate is impossible: the systemic requires you to “support” it, it does NOT want to support you [“self-reliant slavery” is a corporate definition: it is our responsibility to enslave ourselves]; THERE ARE *NO* SOLUTIONS WITHIN THE SYSTEMIC, THE SYSTEMIC IS THE PROBLEM, THE ILLNESS !! – MONEY DEFINES ALL !! – a cooperative society *cannot* be built on/by business; business is NOT cooperative, nor communal; BUSINESS NEGATES OUR VERY HUMANITY [our being and doing]: business is a “doing” without a “being” – THE “PROOF” IS IN THE PUDDING, LOOK AROUND, THE PUDDING IS RANCID !!

The very privilege most *look up* to, and desire, MUST BE ABHORRED !! [** hate the evil **] – the corporate, AND ITS SHAREHOLDERS must be held accountable, and all of us *are*, in effect, shareholders, no matter how small the actual “share” [a “small” share at a “huge” cost] !! — when everything is equated with money, then those who control the money control everything – ** WE MUST *CONFRONT* THE EVIL AND *TESTIFY* OF IT ** — isocracy n., pl. -cies [Gr isokratia] a system of government in which *ALL* persons have equal political power; iso- [Gr isos, equal] equal, similar, alike – the New Jerusalem is iso-metric [CUBIC; of, indicating, or having equality of measure; EQUITABLE DESIGN] and theomorphic [having the form, likeness, or aspect of God]; an iso-systemic theocracy [government (kingdom) of God], teaching righteous character by theocentric governance [directed toward God’s community; eldership; leading by example].

Enforcement in NOT the answer, education and persuasion by example is – the COG Inc.’s, “enforcement” of God’s truth is a falsehood, a misapplication — God wants us to be pure and whole; He does not want us to be automatons and just obey Him, He wants us to connect with Him from the *wholeness* of ourselves [in union with God, begotten as Family] – the COG is a developing community, a community that is *loving* towards everyone and everything, a community that is “in community” with everyone and everything: ONE WITH GOD, IN WHOLENESS – IF WE EXPRESS GOD, IF WE ARE *IN* AGAPE LOVE, EXPRESSING LOVE, PURITY, AND TRUTH, ANYWHERE CAN BE, AND IS, OUR COMMUNITY – we can’t change anything but ourselves, and it takes God’s help to renew our minds, to override and rid ourselves of selfishness, to look after the care of someone else – every failure [or sin (our violation of God’s character)] or difficulty [or contradiction in our lives, our conduct] is an opportunity to learn and change our ways – [based on “Touched By Nature”, Dorothy MacLean, Shared Vision] — we are BONDED to God by love, His love, freely given as gift.

When we come in contact with, or come up against, “character” that *lacks* God [in others or in ourselves], it is an opportunity to express God: INIQUITY PURGED BY MERCY AND TRUTH [mercy/forgiveness] – all of us have been casualties of the prevailing systemic character, the fear “bullet” [arrow] that is shot deep into us; God will heal the “inflicted wound”, and heal us !! — we must pull-back “for” engagement [from the evil; we are in conflict of interest]; WE MUST *OCCUPY* COMMUNITY, WE MUST *PLACE* GOD’S PRESENCE INTO WHEREVER WE ARE [location or situation]; GOD’S CHARACTER AND ABILITIES ARE OURS TO PLACE !! – WE *ARE* GOD FAMILY, WE EMBODY [our being] AND CREATE [our doing] COMMUNITY, THIS *IS* OUR RESPONSE-ABILITY !! — OUR MINISTRY [ministration] IS ** OUR RELATIONSHIP(S) **, OUR COMMUNITY !! – AGAPE LOVE IS THE GIFT, AND THE GIVING !!

“… The three main festivals in the Bible are Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles – in the physical application Passover is the festival of political freedom, Tabernacles of economic freedom, and Pentecost, the central and most important, is a festival of spiritual freedom [see Harris L. Selig, “Links to Eternity”, p. 370; Richard C. Nickels, Giving and Sharing, “Pentecost Paper”]:

PASSOVER = POLITICAL FREEDOM – EXODUS (out of bondage), Christ Systemic;
PENTECOST = SPIRITUAL FREEDOM – 10C, Covenant People, Holy Spirit, COG;

** PROVE THE FACT, DEMONSTRATE THE SOLUTION = CHRISTIAN-ITY ** = Acts 4:32-35, of one heart, of one soul, had all things common [COMMUNITY OF GOD] = GREAT POWER OF WITNESS and GREAT GRACE UPON THEM ALL = ADORNING [to put in order; *prepare*] THE DOCTRINE OF GOD !! – PREPARED FOR THE RETURN OF CHRIST, worthy [becometh] of the Gospel !! — the “real” world is NOT the “unreal” existence of this present world, the real world is the reality of Christ and His Kingdom, soon to be established [physically and spiritually] as was originally intended — corporate money = destruction, the wasting of all it comes into contact with !! – consumers are agents of “consumption” [a wasting away; a disease].

Communitarianism vs. the market mentality – non-profit occupations [npo’s] in support of community benefit [common-wealth]; asking the minimum, not charging the maximum, to meet justified and honest expenses: gifting self and skills in “equitable exchange” [community based equitable exchange] !! – EQUITABLE EXCHANGE IS *NOT* POSSIBLE BY MAMMON [as means and/or mentality (psychosis)] — Christian-ity is the enrichment of others first, by gifting, and then we in turn [a reciprocal relationship]; Mammon is the enrichment of self first [rational self-interest; greed], by taking, and then claiming the other benefits as a result [market mentality; capital/worker-consumer] – Mammon is actually *impoverishment* [witness the world: its resource base; pollution; environmental destruction; human poverty and war, etc.] and yet we are now “buying” into globalization [Mammon on a global scale, unrestrained]; WE ARE INSANE !! – SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CANNOT BE BASED ON MAMMON, they are a contradiction in terms and means — community solutions to meet global responsibilities NOT global [corporate] solutions imposed on communities – we must oppose the corporate “global community” and truly become “global communities”, societies of the gift – WE ARE TO TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER !! – *our* common-economy is to serve us, as means, we are not to be in service to it [slavery to a usurped, now “private” economy].

Christian-ity is NOT private, it is OUR COMMON SALVATION, A FREE GIFT – communitarianism is a step on the path to pure Christian-ity, the pure and Holy Community of God, unspotted [undefiled] by the world [kosmos] — MAMMON IS EVIL, IT PERSONIFIES THE INHUMANITY OF SELFISHNESS, YET IT IS CLAIMED AS “DIVINE RIGHT” BY PRIVATE CAPITAL, AND ACCEPTED BY A PUBLIC SO INURED BY A SYSTEMIC THAT IT IS ITSELF SEEKING AN OWNERSHIP SHARE [slaves seeking charge of themselves and others, yet remaining slaves and/or seeking profit of another’s slavery]; SLAVES BRANDISHING THE WHIP, and the COG Inc.’s hand is grasping the handle as well – ONLY GOD HAS “DIVINE RIGHT”, MAN CANNOT CLAIM IT, YET GOD GIFTS IT: FREEDOM, LIBERTY, JUSTICE, SALVATION !!

The New Testament is primarily addressed to the COG [spiritual Israel and those seeking God] *NOT* the world [the world is defined], God tells us to withdraw out of the world and out of the COG that has returned to it [the prophetic definitions, the characteristics of carnal tribalizations], those who “receive not” the love [agape] of the truth – the Bible re-defines the world, yet the worldly claim and re-define the Bible [Christ Inc., the COG Inc.] – most of the COG does not really believe we must choose between God and Mammon, they do not know “Mammon” for what it actually is [love of money means “friendship [G5384 root]”, “associate”, and friendship [G5384 root] of the world [G2889 kosmos; works thereof are evil (John 7:7)] is enmity with God; friend of the world = “enemy” of God; spiritual adultery (James 4:4)]; ** Mammon [business; corporate money] is the instrumentality of evil **, it is FILTHY LUCRE [lucrative; gain as godliness]: FILTHY LUCRE = FILTHY ROBES = THE GREAT MULTITUDE of the COG Inc.

Psalm 23:5 “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over” = God will fill you with love if you let him, to overflowing !! – drink the cup of water given in Christ’s name, because we are the *anointed* who *belong* to Christ [Matt 9:41] — he who worships the Beast and his Image, and receives his mark in his forehead [BEING], or in his hand [DOING; the COG Inc., who ** BELONG NOT ** to Christ], the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out WITHOUT MIXTURE [Babylon = confusion by mixing] into the cup of His indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: [Rev 14:8-9] – God will NOT contribute to the misery in the world; this cup is against COG error/iniquity and is MERCY and TRUTH, the pure [fire] and purifying [brimstone] Word of God !! – GOD DOES NOT BEAT HIS CHILDREN INTO SUBMISSION, HE LOVES THEM TO LIFE; GOD’S WAYS ARE *NOT* MAN’S WAYS !! – this is the REVELATION, the APOCALYPSE, when the COG’s error is “revealed” and corrected; their torment is the SHAME felt as they are purified to become God Family !! – Christ and the Holy Angels are there for teaching and support NOT to witness pain, anguish, torture [the everyday witness soon to be changed, beginning with the COG]: KNOW CHRIST, HIS *LOVE* [His nature of interaction; God’s character] !!

The Systemic is SELF-DEFINING, ie., the S&L debacle, the Dot.Com’s, Enron and Worldcom-MCI [criminal fraud], and the present “world financial crisis” [Sep.2008-present; the theft of the past, present and future]; “generally accepted accounting practises” = the *lack* of accountability, responsibility, trust — corporate politico-business, and self-defined Christian-ity [most professing Christ-ians, including the COG Inc.], DO *NOT* FIT INTO GOD’S DEFINITION(S) !! – individually our “being and doing” define us; WE MUST PUT ON ** THE CHRIST DEFINITION **, THE AGAPE RELATIONSHIP WITH ALL THINGS, this is what must be RESTORED !! – WORK [G2716 perform, accomplish, achieve; root G2041 ergon, instrumentality] OUT ** YOUR OWN SALVATION ** IN RESPECT AND AWE [Phil 2:12], IN FELLOWSHIP, IN CONCERT WITH OTHERS, YOUR CITIZENSHIP [G4176 politeuomai – live – let (one’s) conversation be 1) to be a citizen 2) to administer civil affairs, manage the state 3) to make or create a citizen 3a) to be a citizen 3b) to behave as a citizen; to avail one’s self of or recognise the laws; to conduct one’s self as pledged to some law of life] WORTHY OF THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST [Phil 1:27] – people seek comfort [self-worth; assurance; validation]; WE MUST PROVIDE THE COMFORT, THE AGAPE RELATIONSHIP, GOD WILL PROVIDE THE COMFORTER TO MAKE IT ALL POSSIBLE: THE COMFORTER PROVIDES THE COMFORT, WE HAVE THE RESPONSE-ABILITY, the MINISTRATION of “God’s” spiritual gifts !! vs. the ** lack of comfort ** that drives the self-medication [sex, food, drugs, media, appearance, status, etc.] within the comfortless systemic, and this includes tribalization: selfish family, selfish Christ-ian-ity, politics, etc. – WE HAVE BEEN FITTED FOR ROBES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, MEASURED *BY* CHRIST [upon repentance and Baptism], THEY MUST *REMAIN* WHITE, PURE, *NOT* FILTHY RAGS NEEDING TO BE WASHED IN THE BLOOD OF CHRIST, IN SHAME !!

Systemic failure [true face shown]/greed, dishonesty = T$’s lost in share value, etc. [manipulated stock market profit = gain at another’s loss] – “insider” trading [inside knowledge used prior to public release] vs. “disclosure rules/law” – auditors-regulators-brokers complicit [monetary mechanisms, use of trading indicator(s), fraudulent schemes] – government “politico-business” loath to risk offending the corporations [the SAGE] will result in cosmetic laws, selective prosecution(s) – public monies, pension funds, etc., at risk; “investor victimization” is the result of a “lack of knowledge”; INVESTORS MUST DEFEND THEMSELVES BY KNOWLEDGE AND APPLICATION OF THE SAME – use of “corporate monies”, investing in corporatism, maintaining MAMMON, will change nothing, it is the NATURE OF THE BEAST – WE MUST *CHOOSE* A NEW SYSTEMIC, THE ** CHRIST-SYSTEMIC **, A NEW NATURE
OF INTER-ACTION !! — governmental “leaders” are complicit in the very same practises [public and private], as is “their” governments: THE PUBLIC MUST OVERCOME THE INSTILLED FEAR AND TAKE CONTROL OF THEIR LIVES [the “earning” of public confidence by those in power, as a controlling, regulating mechanism, is a myth; the violation of a manipulated and created “public trust”, that is of itself a violation of the very same public] !! – THE SYSTEMIC OFFERS US NO CHOICE BUT ITSELF, UNDER THREAT, BUT GOD DOES, UNDER *PROMISE* !! – IT IS UP TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US, acting individually and then collectively *as* community !!

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